More often in the sixties, most of the electronics products implemented where based on the analog circuits and were involving lower signal speed. Since the signal speeds were low, PCBs did not have issues that include signal integrity, power integrity, EMI/EMC issues, etc. Although changes in the electronics industry paved way to the revolution of digital electronics, which increase the signal speeds and in the process made the traditional PCB designs to fail. In response to this, PCB engineers fine-tuned circuit layouts by creating High Speed PCB and enhancing the actual PCB material.
High-Speed PCBs
Both modern electronic products require high-speed signals, as stated earlier. PCB’s are designed in such a way that they can tolerate very high clock speeds and very steep signal transitions. If high clock frequencies and extremely short rise times are not kept in mind during PCB design probable, signal integrity issues may begin to emerge. Whenever the circuit deals with signals of a very high speed, only high-speed PCBs are needed.
Basic speed is often referred to as or equal to high-frequency interactions for PCBs.
It will be observed that the higher the signal frequency f, the shorter the cycle T. In a cycle, the signal rise time and fall time are made as short as possible so that the signal becomes stable. This results in an increase of the signal speed. These high frequency signals then become high speed signals.
Determine If High-Speed PCB Design is desired
Before designing any PCB, it is crucial to know the specific design type of the PCB in consideration. An original high-speed circuit that needs to be developed as an ordinary or traditional PCB will require money to be spent besides causing signal integrity problems.
High Speed PCB is used under conditions where the above information transfer can only be carried out in a short time.
The speed of the signal is high and sufficient to change the effective impedance of the circuit and characteristics of circuit elements.
If the delay being measured by the time taken on the PCB traces is greater than the 20% of the rising edge time
Radiations of digital signals are existent in the circuit board.
The features which are inherent to the structure of the board include ionization loss, impact of skin effect, etc.
Currently, EFPCB is known as a leading supplier of electronics providers that provides clients with solutions in areas of power, space & energy for various market sectors. The High Speed PCB design and analysis tools from EFPCB may assist in the accurately designing high-speed mixed signal PCB boards according to the design rules relating with track impedance control, line terminations, routing for minimizing noises coupling and so on.